In 2010, Naoko Yamazaki, the second female Japanese astronaut, ________ on Discovery space shuttle to the ISS after she _________ her training at the Johnson Space Center.
had flown – completed -
flew – had completed -
flew – was completed -
was flying – was completed
Reference explanation:
Correct answer: GET
Knowledge: Past Simple Tense, Past Perfect Tense
Simple past tense sign: in 2010 (in 2010)
Relationship structure between QKD and QKHHT: S + Ved/V2 (QKD) AFTER + S + had Ved/V3 (QKHT)
In 2010, Naoko Yamazaki, the second female Japanese astronaut, fly on Discovery space shuttle to the ISS after she had completed her training at the Johnson Space Center.
In 2010, Naoko Yamazaki, the second Japanese female astronaut, flew on the Discovery spacecraft to the international space station after she completed her training in the center. Johnson Cosmos Center.
The answer to choose is: GET