In the (1) ________ restaurant you can get different kinds of food …

  • Read the following passage and answer the questions

    Today fast food is very popular throughout the world. In the (1) ________ restaurant you can get different kinds of food cheaply (2) ________ quickly. You can even take it home. For example, you (3) ________ get hot dogs or beefburgers in paper bags and boxes. Max Duffs is the name of a (4) ________ fast food restaurant. Do you know that beefburgers in Mac Duffs in London tastes the (5) ________ as ones in Mac Duffs in Tokyo?


    (first) _________

    • A.

    • B.

    • C.

    • D.
      fast food

    Reference explanation:

    Correct Answer: EASY

    Today fast food is very popular throughout the world. In the (1) fast food restaurant you can get different kinds of food ….

    Nowadays, fast food is very popular all over the world. In fast food restaurant you can get different types of food….

    Choose EASY


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