People think that increasing levels of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases will inevitably lead to global warming.
Global warming is thought to result in increasing levels of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. -
Increasing levels of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases is thought to be responsible for global warming. -
Increasing levels of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are attributed to global warming. -
Global warming is blamed for increasing levels of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.
Reference explanation:
Correct answer: GET
Translation: It is thought that increasing the level of CO2 and other greenhouse gases will inevitably lead to global warming. (implies an increase in CO . levels)2 and other greenhouse gases that cause global warming).
Translate the answer:
A. Global warming is thought to cause an increase in CO . levels2 and other greenhouse gases. -→ opposite meaning from the topic.
B. Increasing CO . Levels2 and other greenhouse gases believed to be responsible for global warming → true
C. Increasing CO . levels2 and other greenhouse gases are blamed for global warming. → opposite meaning from the topic.
D. Global warming is blamed for increasing CO . levels2 and other greenhouse gases. → opposite meaning from the topic.
Answer B is correct, because it matches the idea of the problem.
The remaining three answers are wrong because they have opposite meanings compared to the problem.